
Jeroen Olyslaegers: Wildevrouw

About Jeroen Olyslaegers' book "Wildevrouw", November 2020

Video commissioned by publishing house De Bezige Bij.

Book trailer as an intro at book presentations or for promotional use.

Stefan Hertmans: De opgang

About Stefan Hertmans' book "De opgang", September 2020

Video commissioned by publishing house De Bezige Bij.

Book trailer as an intro at book presentations or for promotional use.

The making of: European prison dance challenge - Belgium

The European Prison Dance Challenge was first initiated in 2018 by the Finnish Vanaja Prison, to give female prisoners the opportunity to (re)discover their femininity and to enhance certain values that might support their reintegration into society.

De Rode Antraciet and dance company Ultima Vez co-produced a dance movie by Seppe Baeyens and Pascal Poissonnier in which 24 female prisoners perform a choreography on Nilüfer Yanya's 'The Florist'. The dance video:

"The Making of" was recorded by Anneleen Hermans, Skinario, june 2019

Compagnie Circ'ombelico

NU: Research 1: Sardegna

These images were recorded in February 2018 in Sardinia, as part of the research for the project NU. Compagnie Circ’ombelico will premiere with this performance in 2020.

compagnie circ'ombelico

NU: RESEARCH 2: Cabaret (ENG)

These images were recorded in April 2018 in Palautordera, Spain, as research for the project NU

Company Circ’ombelico will premier with this show in 2020.


Manuela Mendez & Anneleen Hermans
Belgisch-Argentijnse coproductie - Coproducción belga-argentina, 2018

AMBAS is een dialoog tussen twee landen en twee vriendinnen. Ze beleven hun langeafstandvriendschap op scène. Met vallen en opstaan. Met troost en verzet. Via het internet en op briefpapier.

AMBAS es un diálogo entre dos países y dos amigas. Viven su amistad-a-larga-distancia en el escenario. Por ensayo y error. Con consuelo y resistencia. A través de internet y en cartas sobre papél.  


 A performance without words, by musician Joeri Wens.

TRIO TRAD - Air des îles hébrides

Didier Laloy: diatonic accordion 
Aurélie Dorzée: violin & alto
Luc Pilartz: violin & bagpipe 

Shot at the Grand Theâtre de Verviers - June 2018